show: z_scr f_dme sw_cvr seq_id asize rmsd q_scr Info align
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chain z_scr


a z-score based on sampling 100 alternative random alignments

"fraction of distance matrix elements"

Calculate a Cα based distance matrix for the query protein and related structure. Calculate the root rmsd of these distance matrices. Sort the matrix entries in order of difference between the structures, to find the distance which is most different between the structures. Remove this distance and recalculate the rmsd of distance matrices. Keep removing elements from the calculation until the rmsd is less than 4 Å. Return the fraction of the distance matrices which was kept. Similar structures will have a high f_dme. Values more than about 0.8 are usually obviously similar proteins. Values less than 0.7 are very borderline.


how much of the input structure is aligned to the structure from the protein databank.

sequence identity

between query and library structures.

alignment size

number of residues aligned to residues, so gaps do not count here.


root mean square difference of Cartesisan coordinates calculatd by the method of Diamond.

quality score

f_dme times the alignment coverage sw_cvr.


information from

multiple structure alignment

choose structures to align and submit.
3tnqB 109 1 0.97 97 334 0.84 0.9738 PDB
3c4zA 88.1 0.928 0.98 31 335 2.95 0.9068 PDB
2esmB 77.4 0.929 0.95 34 325 3.00 0.8807 PDB
2f2uB 86.2 0.926 0.94 33 323 2.93 0.8717 PDB
2i0eA 102 1 0.86 39 296 2.91 0.8630 PDB
2acxA 84.9 0.864 0.99 30 341 2.95 0.8590 PDB
2jedA 103 1 0.86 37 294 2.92 0.8571 PDB
3iw4B 98.9 0.991 0.86 38 296 2.95 0.8548 PDB
3a8wA 96.7 1 0.85 38 293 2.98 0.8542 PDB
3qkkA 110 1 0.85 43 292 1.52 0.8513 PDB
3krxA 83.6 0.855 0.99 28 339 2.93 0.8454 PDB
3qfvB 71.8 0.932 0.90 33 307 2.69 0.8339 PDB
1fotA 104 1 0.83 50 286 2.87 0.8338 PDB
3txoA 99.8 0.965 0.86 39 294 2.93 0.8274 PDB
2vd5B 77.5 0.891 0.92 33 316 2.99 0.8208 PDB
2f57A 74.2 0.996 0.80 26 275 2.92 0.7985 PDB
2gcdA 64.8 1 0.80 23 273 2.94 0.7959 PDB
3q53A 64.6 0.992 0.80 23 275 2.97 0.7957 PDB
2c30A 77.8 0.985 0.80 25 275 2.96 0.7901 PDB
1lp4A 65.2 0.986 0.80 20 274 2.99 0.7876 PDB
3qd3A 91.4 0.996 0.79 37 271 2.70 0.7866 PDB
2vn9B 77.2 0.959 0.82 28 281 2.84 0.7854 PDB
2ya9B 81.4 1 0.78 27 269 2.98 0.7841 PDB
1vzoA 78.4 0.969 0.81 37 277 2.93 0.7824 PDB
3rpsB 63.5 0.983 0.80 19 273 2.96 0.7821 PDB
1kobA 65.6 0.871 0.90 23 308 2.98 0.7820 PDB
3ofmA 68.8 0.986 0.79 20 272 2.97 0.7819 PDB
1koaA 63.3 0.876 0.89 24 304 2.97 0.7763 PDB
3hdmA 90.9 1 0.77 40 265 2.86 0.7726 PDB
2zm3A 72.8 0.984 0.78 20 268 3.00 0.7687 PDB
2y94A 66.7 0.926 0.83 31 284 2.88 0.7671 PDB
3kb7A 79.5 1 0.77 30 263 2.95 0.7668 PDB
3q5iA 75.2 0.867 0.88 27 303 2.89 0.7659 PDB
2bvaB 63.6 0.993 0.77 24 264 2.98 0.7644 PDB
2vz6B 80.2 1 0.76 29 262 2.95 0.7638 PDB
3mftA 81 1 0.76 32 262 2.79 0.7638 PDB
3an0A 56.6 0.976 0.78 24 268 3.00 0.7627 PDB
1tkiA 69.3 0.993 0.77 23 263 2.97 0.7612 PDB
1gzoA 88.8 1 0.76 40 261 2.83 0.7609 PDB
3a62A 89.5 1 0.76 41 261 2.86 0.7609 PDB
3bu3A 68.1 1 0.76 20 261 2.98 0.7609 PDB
3n9xB 72.1 0.959 0.79 21 271 2.99 0.7577 PDB
2vgoB 86 0.987 0.77 31 263 2.95 0.7566 PDB
2xikA 77 1 0.76 27 259 2.94 0.7551 PDB
3uo4A 83.9 1 0.75 32 257 1.98 0.7493 PDB
1ql6A 77.4 0.991 0.76 31 259 2.95 0.7483 PDB
3ornA 80.7 0.992 0.75 24 258 2.97 0.7460 PDB
3rhxA 55.4 0.986 0.76 20 259 2.98 0.7445 PDB
1s9iA 71 0.962 0.77 24 265 2.93 0.7435 PDB
3q5zA 49.2 0.891 0.83 15 286 2.99 0.7432 PDB
3l9pA 62.4 0.979 0.76 18 260 2.99 0.7420 PDB
2r2pA 73.8 0.975 0.76 20 261 3.00 0.7419 PDB
3dlsE 74.4 0.994 0.74 29 255 3.00 0.7391 PDB
2y7jB 78 0.973 0.76 31 260 2.85 0.7377 PDB
2z7sA 94.7 1 0.74 40 253 2.93 0.7376 PDB
3comB 76.1 1 0.74 28 253 2.98 0.7376 PDB
3g51A 91.9 1 0.74 40 253 2.75 0.7376 PDB
3ggfB 63.2 1 0.74 27 253 2.96 0.7376 PDB
3lxpA 65.2 1 0.74 24 253 2.97 0.7376 PDB
3soaA 63.9 0.851 0.87 24 297 2.95 0.7371 PDB
2vagA 65.1 0.964 0.76 24 262 2.95 0.7367 PDB
2wtkC 79.7 0.935 0.78 27 269 2.85 0.7333 PDB
3coiA 73 0.841 0.87 22 299 2.97 0.7333 PDB
3nr9A 64.6 0.977 0.75 24 257 2.97 0.7322 PDB
2f49B 74.8 1 0.73 26 251 2.98 0.7318 PDB
3ckxA 73.7 1 0.73 28 251 2.82 0.7318 PDB
3d5xA 75.7 1 0.73 27 251 2.90 0.7318 PDB
3sxsA 57.6 1 0.73 20 251 2.98 0.7318 PDB
4aaaA 71 0.986 0.74 30 254 2.99 0.7301 PDB
1cm8A 76.2 0.966 0.76 24 259 3.00 0.7295 PDB
2wu7A 69.6 0.944 0.77 23 265 2.95 0.7292 PDB
2ivsA 63 1 0.73 22 250 2.98 0.7289 PDB
3eyhA 68 1 0.73 24 250 2.96 0.7289 PDB
1s9jA 73.7 0.972 0.75 23 257 2.95 0.7282 PDB
1q97A 76.1 0.882 0.83 25 283 2.99 0.7276 PDB
3kulB 61.5 1 0.73 21 249 2.99 0.7259 PDB
3lm0A 68.4 0.992 0.73 28 251 2.95 0.7256 PDB
2evaA 56.9 0.895 0.81 23 278 2.99 0.7253 PDB
3blhA 74.2 0.996 0.73 24 249 2.94 0.7231 PDB
2dq7X 67.5 1 0.72 22 248 2.97 0.7230 PDB
2zm4A 64.6 1 0.72 19 248 2.99 0.7230 PDB
3ma3A 70.8 1 0.72 21 248 3.00 0.7230 PDB
3lpbB 62.2 1 0.72 20 248 2.99 0.7230 PDB
2pmlX 64.2 0.864 0.84 18 287 2.98 0.7229 PDB
3n51A 64.2 0.835 0.87 28 297 2.98 0.7226 PDB
3lcoA 60.3 0.942 0.77 16 263 2.98 0.7226 PDB
3lltA 72.1 0.97 0.74 25 255 2.96 0.7212 PDB
3g2fA 63.8 0.992 0.73 20 249 2.96 0.7202 PDB
1xbaA 59.6 1 0.72 20 247 2.97 0.7201 PDB
2x4fA 64.5 1 0.72 25 247 2.83 0.7201 PDB
3lxkA 63.2 0.988 0.73 22 250 2.96 0.7201 PDB
3anrA 73.7 0.968 0.74 24 255 2.98 0.7199 PDB
3nieB 76.3 0.86 0.84 23 287 2.96 0.7198 PDB
1lufA 59.5 0.979 0.73 19 252 3.00 0.7196 PDB
2vx1A 66.2 0.942 0.76 19 262 2.98 0.7194 PDB
2jfmA 65.3 0.914 0.79 26 270 2.98 0.7194 PDB
3plsA 63.4 0.917 0.78 16 269 2.99 0.7192 PDB
3bkbA 66.4 0.877 0.82 19 281 2.97 0.7181 PDB
1mqbA 64 0.985 0.73 22 250 3.00 0.7181 PDB
2c3kA 77.1 1 0.72 27 246 2.94 0.7172 PDB